not only ordering will be more comfortable, also delivery. But things can get wrong, when machines get self-organized:

thanks Evy for sending the image by QuantumPirate, who provoked amazon with his funny fake.
or at least intelligently: Talks, Debates and Action at the degrowth conference 2014 in Leipzig.

The focus of the 2014 conference is on concrete steps towards a society beyond the imperative of growth. The conference will give room for scientific debates, exchange between activists and economic pioneers as well as artistic approaches to the subject. Both scientific insights and concrete projects and policies will be presented, experimented with and discussed. It is part of an international cycle of events: so far, there have been conferences on degrowth in Paris 2008, in Barcelona 2010 and in Venice and Montreal 2012.
… a growth-based economic and social system cannot have a future … read more.
The program is rich and covers many dimensions of the complex topic with several facets. The schedule on the web site gains access to the intertwingled papers and events of divers formats = a nice hypertext with a not-so-nice user interface and visual presentation.
via designdesaster
A concise Joseph J. Atick discourse on the power and risk brought by the combination of face recognition, the ubiquity of point-and-shot camera (mobile phones), the availability of identified faces on the web together with public information on everybody:
Atick must know, he “had co-founded one of the original facial recognition companies, Visionics Corporation. Over the years, Dr. Atick co-founded and managed several companies focused on technology transfer and development, and has served as a technical advisor to many high-tech enterprises and organizations, including NATO” says his profile on forbes.

Für eingefleischte Vegetarier nicht neues – gutes Futter, um sich bei Fleischfreunden beliebt zu machen:
Daten und Fakten über Tiere als Nahrungsmittel der Monde Diplomatique zum download als PDF.