I don’t find Russell Brand particularly sympathetic, nor i think he is funny, but this one is good. He is summarizing drastically a few issues of about the power of business and media, and how they are influencing public opinion, managing to marginalize alternative ideas and action.
I have no idea how Russell Brand’s book is. But the topics he touches are relevant. And if he really is able to communicate them to “ordinary people”, then i even agree with his sense of humor, which does not work for me.
Intelligent pattern recognition connects images of people and brands with users in the “social web”. Imagine this combined with frictionless sharing of daily life – the Inter-Face between online and offline Identity.

image by ditto
from “
All of Your Tumblr Photos Will Now Be Scanned for Branded Content” on motherboard:
Though the system doesn’t necessarily identify individuals in their corporeal form, it can pinpoint the top influencers on a given social network and give their online identities to companies looking to partner with their biggest fans in promotional campaigns. […]
… users are being sold off to the highest bidder, without any kind of tangible return.
Founded in 2007, Tumblr has long been a sanctum for misfit millennials meticulously crafting identities for themselves by posting and sharing images. Surely it was only a matter of time until the site figured out a way to monetize its sizable cultural cachet, but for a platform that prides itself on facilitating self-expression and a degree of anonymity, it’s an unsettling move at the very least.
thanks Matteo for the link
den 3 Grundsätzen vom Unternehmer Heini Staudinger (GEA) ist nichts hinzuzufügen, außer vielleicht eine Übersetzung für unsere norddeutschen Freunde ;)
1. Geh, scheiss di ned oa (“Fürchte Dich nicht” würde Jesus sagen ;)
2. Bitte sei ned so deppert (“Sei nicht Naiv, sondern probiere alles gut abzuwägen”)
3. Lass di leitn von da Liebe (“Let Love Rule”)
und ganz nebenbei sagt der Heini ein paar Schlaue Sachen über Branding und Werbung.